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Jacquie Whitney Lightcap believes in the people first and looks forward to the opportunity to represent House District 52. Jacquie understands that policies and positions affect the everyday lives of the Kansans she seeks to serve. She is committed to being an active and responsive representative of your needs and wants to do everything she can to make it the best state it can be for everyone who calls it home.


This starts with strong public schools, teachers, and administrators.


I believe we can find solutions that actually make a difference in everyday lives.


Healthcare is a basic human right, as well as a sign of economic health.

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“Love and justice go together. Justice without love can be brutal, and love without justice can be banal. Love is the heart of justice, and justice is the social form of love.” 


Marcus J. Borg and John Dominic Crossan, The First Paul: Reclaiming the Radical Visionary behind the Church’s Conservative Icon (New York: HarperCollins, 2009), 204-205.

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